“The Cage” basketball court in the Village is half of regulation size. Because it's so compact, the streetball gets physical, fast and intense.
Sully. the NYPD’s smallest police dog has a big job - sniffing out terrorism and saving lives.

A tiny canvas means no room for mistakes. Alphabet City tattoo artist Gerald Feliciano specializes in designs the size of a quarter.
At only 5'8, Ronald Torreyes was dismissed by some teams because of his stature. Now he plays for the world's biggest baseball franchise.

Nepal native Gigmy Bista has to row to shore from his City Island houseboat for fresh water. The lifestyle reminds him of back home.
Twigs Terrarium in Williamsburg creates miniature worlds of moss and figurines as likely to contain a grazing sheep as a grisly murder scene.
The teacher coaching immigrants to pass the taxi test in a cramped basement classroom in Queens has earned the title “The Stanley Kaplan of Taxi School.”
A punk rock singer turned yoga teacher in Jackson Heights got rid of all her furniture to turn her studio apartment into a yoga studio.
Located in a subway station, the NYPL's smallest library has been known to attract confused commuters who wander in looking to buy a MetroCard.
Hurricane Sandy decimated the tiny neighborhood of Ramblersville, Queens. But one lifelong resident rebuilt her home from the rubble.
Diamond cutter Zev Weitman toiled in his cramped factory for decades searching for a new way to cut diamonds to make them sparklier.
People line up around the block at a pocket-sized takeout place in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn that has singularly perfected a Trinidadian street food called Doubles.

When the wee Pumps Bar opened in 1997, Mayor Giuliani's mission was to shut down the adult entertainment industry. Pumps 1, Giuliani 0.